Saturday, May 24

Being Green, Saves Green

Here is a wonderful article over at Treehugger about how some elementary students helped the environment, and saved their school about $800 a month. This is great, because the students can see the positive effect they are having. Even the littlest bit counts. And if $800 doesn't seem like enough to some people, I will be more than happy to take it off their hands for them.

Friday, May 16

NYU Green Campus Day

NYU has an interesting program going on, its called Campus Move-Out Day, and it feels similar to Art Center's TRUNKsale. It's great to see parallel thoughts popping up in campuses around the nation. There is a larger explanation of Campus Move-Out Day at Treehugger. Also information directly from NYU here and here (pdf files).

Tuesday, May 13

Wattz On

Most everything in the issue of Sustainability will dwindle down to energy consumption. Here is a massive resource of information about that (I have only gotten through 25 of the 190 something pages so far, and think it is worth the read for anyone else interested in the subject matter). Download the the whole presentation at

Wednesday, May 7

Cassandra and Peak Oil

Found via Treehugger. Which has more links about how you can adapt to peak oil. As well as Cassandra's own site

Friday, May 2

Going Green Tips has a categorized facts, tips and products to help you go green. Fantastic little icons that pay attention to the details of design. I enjoy how there are footnotes to some of their tips, making it easier for users to check where information is coming from, and follow up further if so inclined. has tips that are "convenient, fun and inexpensive." I don't have the experience with idealbite I would like to for a proper review. It was recommended by a friend though, and has several features I enjoy. One is city specific green tips for San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. Their tip library has been easily searchable. And, if so inclined, users can have tips delivered to their inbox on a daily basis. has a series of how to green various aspects of your life. Convenient are the links to other resources and places to purchase some of the items talked about. In fact, the follow up resource lists are quite extensive, and get updated by the daily posts on Treehugger if relevant.

Thursday, May 1

Animals Save the Planet

A series of fun claymation ads by Animal Planet. Watch the Animals Who Save the Planet.